21 January, 2021

Clips Down Memory Lane

I am starting this the day after my country fell off an ethical cliff.

I kept thinking of various shows I'd seen that seemed appropriate.

Let's see if I can link to them in this post...

La Belle et La BĂȘte - 1946

A beautiful old French film retelling the old fairy tale of a prince cursed by a witch to be a beast until he is kissed by a woman. It is an abiding analogy to the male - female relationship, but applies even more when the man has grown old and tired, yet the woman remains young and nearly perfect...

The beautiful woman kisses the beast 

Living in Harmony - The Prisoner - 1967

A commentary on what a "peaceful community" means under a tyranny.


Blazing Saddles - 1974

There is a scene in Blazing Saddles where a guy points a gun at himself and threatens to kill himself in order to get out of a difficult situation. Reminds me of how the crooks of our time keep avoiding retaliation by threatening to do something awful.

Nobody Move! - Blazing Saddles