My universe was outgrowing the space I had created at Wordpress in 2009.
my PHP instructor wanted us to use a blog to keep him posted on our
progress with our projects. Well, I had never had a blog before. So I
wasn't just going to start a blog to keep my PHP instructor informed
about my progress on my project! So, I tried to make it bigger than
that; and it is.
that blog is about technology. And this blog is about the results of
technologies. On this blog I am not going to go deeply into the nuts and
bolts of how to do things, either physically or spiritually.
I expect this blog to stay on a very concept level, and concentrate on integrating data from a variety of different sources.
some ways, this space functions as a storage area for my thoughts and
ideas expressed (mostly) in the written language of English. I wish I
had a better way to communicate with more people that might be
interested in being in communication. But this is more than I could have
dreamed of when I was young and kept my writings in a loose leaf
notebook that no one else could really ever look through.
haven't explored the Blogger application very much yet. But I
anticipate turning comments off in the beginning. I have not had great
experience with the comment paradigm at other sites I have been involved
with. If I can, I would like to leave one page for comments. We'll see
how that goes. It took a couple years before I became aware that anyone
was even reading my Wordpress blog. Outflow is more important than
inflow. And communication can be achieved in a variety of ways.